To the World and
the Future.

To the World and
the Future.
Kokura-ori spread across the country from the Edo period to the early Showa period, and although it ceased to exist, it has been restored and revived and continues to evolve. The beautiful and durable textiles, including the original furoshiki (wrapping cloth), which have been used for a long time with the enjoyment of ageing, are a symbol of sustainable craftsmanship. In order to pass on this precious Japanese culture to the future, we are evolving Kokura-ori into a design that fits modern lifestyles and a material that considers the entire planet, and presenting it to the world in a variety of forms. Through modern Kokura-ori, we will continue to convey Japan's 'traditional industry' to the world, while valuing manufacturing that contributes to society.
— Connect to Action —
For Sustainable Manufacturing.
We decide that in order to continue manufacturing, we need to look further into the future than ever before. And together with various encounters, the new series [SHIMA SHIMA EARTH] was born under the theme of the Earth. This series of sustainable materials incorporates environmentally recyclable yarn in the weft, while maintaining the high density of the traditional Kokura-ori durable cotton in the warp.
We will continue to develop sustainable fabrics and promote environmentally recyclable projects as a member of the Earth.

Textiles Made from Recycled Polyester
fromUsed Clothing.
SDGs Light
SDGs Strong

*The design is inspired by the colours representing the 17 GOAL of SDGs. Weft yarn made from recycled yarn 'BRING Material™'.
*'BRING Material™'... The concept is to 'make clothes out of clothes'. Recycled polyester produced from clothing collected from all over the world.

Textiles Made from Recycled Polyester
from Drifting Plastic Bottles, etc.
<画像 : 石垣アースクリーン(地球のごみ拾い)>
縄文企画 https://jomonkikaku.com
As an approach from traditional craftsmanship towards the future of the Earth, we have participated in clean-up activities across industries and sectors, and developed a new Kokura-ori fabric incorporating UpDRIFT™, a recycled yarn made from collected drifted plastic bottles and other materials.
we aim together for a future in which picking up litter and not throwing it away will become the norm, as we regard it not as waste but as a resource, and the actions of each and every one of us will become a bridge between tradition and the future.
*"UpDRIFT™"...is a textile developed by lifestyle company TOYOSHIMA & Co.,Ltd. which uses drifted plastic bottles and other materials as raw materials to transform them into new resources (yarn).
*For more information, please refer to the video.
Two patterns: 'FOREST GREEN', inspired by forests, mountains and plants, and 'OCEAN BLUE', inspired by oceans, rivers and water. The beauty of the Earth is expressed by the traditional vertical stripes and the deep, delicate gradation of Kokura-ori.

Trash Into Treasure 〈漂着ペットボトルを回収し資源に〉
Connect Children with KOKURA-ORI Textiles
and The Heart of Craftsmanship.
SDGs actions are spreading on a global scale, with various companies and organisations taking action. Children are one step ahead of adults in their learning and practice. In schools, classes incorporating SDGs perspectives are flourishing, and children's free and flexible thinking about solutions to problems surpasses that of adults.
We have started an activity to incorporate Kokura-ori into school classes to introduce traditional culture and sustainable manufacturing to children, who are the future leaders of the future. We have developed upcycled kits for use in home economics, arts and crafts, utilising leftover yarn from weaving factories and scraps of fabric and rags left over from product processing. Not just making kits, but actually seeing, hearing, touching and making traditional culture to understand the fundamentals of technology and craftsmanship. As comprehensive learning materials from such SDGs perspectives, we have created a system for children to enjoy learning and will expand activities to support education with various companies and organisations across the country.

— Connect to The Next Generation —
Across regions, industries and all boundaries.
KOKURA SHIMA SHIMA works in collaboration with a wide range of organisations, including private companies, governments, artists, NPOs and welfare organisations. The circle of activities contributing to the environment and the local community is expanding, including Kokura-ori art classes with world-renowned illustrators, sustainable collaborative production with musicians and fashion designers, and in sports, producing medal ribbons for world gymnastics and rhythmic gymnastics athletes with an SDGs theme. With KOKURA STRIPES, we aim to create a border-less society that transcends all boundaries.

KOKURA SHIMA SHIMA INC. Supports SDGs Activities
Supports SDGs Activities
— Weave Together —